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Safety Audits



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Safety Audits

Onsite Safety Inspections

One of our Safety Professionals will meet with your team to learn about your organization, explain the safety inspection process, review documents, conduct a site safety walk, and hold a close-out meeting with your team

Professional Report

A professional safety inspection report with all good practices, opportunities for improvement will be included.  Each item includes references to regulation standards with a link and include recommendations for improvement.


Action Plan

All safety inspections include a proposed Safety Improvement Action Plan that is prioritized in order of risk for your team to easily assign responsibilities and implement corrective actions.


Follow-Up and Ongoing Support

Corrective actions are assigned electronically so your team members can easily close-out and document corrective actions.  Corrective Action reports are included and provided.  We are will you every step along the way and provide unlimited consulting to help you implement improvements


The Team

Dan Deller

Daniel J. Deller, MBA, CSP, CHST

Principal Consultant


  1. Kick-off: A Safety Pro will meet with a good site point of contact who understand the operations and site to discuss any past issues, current issues, concerns, and upcoming items.  

    • This person is usually a Manager, Supervisor Superintendent, Site Manager, Plant Manager, Etc. 

  2. Walk: Your Safety Pro will then walk with your team/site contact.  During this time your Safety Pro will assess the work area conditions as well as operations by:

    • Identifying good practices as well as opportunities for improvements.  

    • If we identify any issues, we will address them immediately and work to get them corrected if possible, the goal is to leave with ZERO Open Items and correct any issues while we are there.

    • We also work with the point of contact to help them understand what the issue is and the what needs to be done to correct it in the form on On-The-Job-Training.

  3. Close-Out Meeting: At the conclusion your Safety Pro will conduct a debrief and review of the entire Safety Inspection and make sure that everyone understands everything that will be included in the report and the recommended corrective actions.

  4. Formal Report: A comprehensive professional report will be delivered to you and your site team within 48 hours of our visit which will include everything observed and reviewed, with pictures, notes, corrective actions, and recommendations for improvement.  The final Safety Inspection report will also include an Action Plan for Safety Improvement.

  5. Corrective Actions: If there are any items that are left open, corrective actions will be assigned electronically so they are easily closed out with dates, notes, comments, photos, and actions taken.  This easily updates and completes your electronic records and reports demonstrating any and all issues are corrected; this satisfies OSHA and any other legal requirement or court of law.


Our Safety Inspection on-site typically takes about 1 – 2 hours and document/plan review usually another 1 – 2 hours for a first time comprehensive review, audit, and action plan.  


When we do initial Safety Inspection and one-time Safety Inspection they take much longer than when we provide more frequent reoccurring Safety Inspection.  


When Safety Inspection are conducted more frequently and reoccurring, there are typically less issues and we spend less time on-site and completing reports. 

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